Armando Racing Tiger Oil Pan Bottom
Armando Racing Tiger Oil Pan Rear Spacing
Armando Racing Tiger Oil Pan Side
Armando Racing Tiger Oil Pan Front
Armando Racing Tiger Oil Pan Bottom
Armando Racing Tiger Oil Pan Side Kick Out
Sunbeam Tiger and Datsun 610 Racing
Sunbeam Tiger Logo

The Tigers Oil Pan

The  Oil pan is from Aramando's Oil Pans and you can check out more of that right here on the Oil Pan Page. Note this pan is similar to the Aviaid pan that is common on the Tiger. Aramondo's used to be a bunch cheeper but they have raised the price a bit, was about 75 bucks less as I recall. Some folks have reported with the Aviaid pan that some cross member work may be required to clear the pan. Since I'm not using the stock Tiger crossmember I may not have the same issue. One issue that may be a problem is the front kick out on the pan. The new crossmember uses a rack and pinion steering gear that would normally sit right to front of the stock oil pan. The stock pan doesn't have the kick out like the racing pan so when it all comes to mock up time I'm guessing that it wil be a tight fit or the pan will have to be removed and trimmed in the front to clear the rack. If only I were close to that point in the assembly!

Aramondo Racing Oil Pan

This is the Front lip that extends towards the rack. Hopefully it will fit... But what's the real chance in that?

The rest of the pictures below are some other angles and sides of the pan.
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