Ford Expedition P2195 P2196 P0171 P0174 Codes
IT finally happened, the 2004 (I thought it was a 2003 go figure) threw on the Check Engine Light (well LED actually) and I came to the rescue with the Snap On MTG2500 that I picked up on eBay. I also got extra fancy and hooked up the battery powered thermal printer to dump the codes.
The symptoms were the car was running oddly rough at idle, and it started to shake, but would drive just fine. After pulling the codes it seems this is a common DTC to cars of this era. Some are related to intake manifold, some are to the vacuum line system, most the one connected to the PCV Valve. Both are causing a vacuum leak that is messing with the idle. I hope that it is not an intake manifold as I would NOT like to do that work or have to write up that story...
So I popped the hood and fired up the engine. It was running rough still. I could hear the vacuum leak so it was a bad one. Would be just a bit of work to find it in the maze of hoses and tubes that are on the engine. After finding it it seems that I fixed it with a short piece (maybe 2") of 3/8" Fuel line. The cost is about nothing if you have a piece of scrap laying around. Do this diagnostic work before taking it into the Ford $teelership or you will be sorry...

Pulling the Error Codes with the Snap On MTG2500
I have finally got to use the old MTG2500 Engine Diagnostic Scanner. I'm happy for that. Hopefully it will tell me what's really going on. I have a nice battery printer that plugs right into the scanner so I can print out most any information, but mainly the DTC (error codes) that will let me find out what's going on. Most any scanner would also do the job. If you need a low cost Engine Scanner and have a Cell Phone (Andrioid or Apple) take a look at some of the low cost options that use wireless and your phone to scan and reset codes. They are in the $20 range. Just make sure you get the right one as they are Apple and Android specific. I tend not to want to use my phone for that stuff, but they are cool and very inexpensive. Even a good quality scanner is about 60 bucks and worth every penny if you have to use it and it save you from going to the $tealership.
Expedition Engine Compartment
Popping the hood on the Expedition and this is what you see. Not a place I want to spend any time working on I can say that. However it's not as bad as it looks. Most of the vacuum lines are under the engine cover. It's the black thing with the FORD emblem and to bolts just visible on the side of it. You will need to remove this cover to get to most of the problem areas. Note that this is a 5.6L V8. I would imagine other years/engine combo's are similar.
The Expedition's Error Codes
Easy to see and nice to have a print out of the codes. The P2195 and P2197 are just Left and Right O2 Sensors indicating a lean condition that can't be corrected. The P0171 and P0174 more general error indicating the same thing. Not to have the description of what the PXXXX error code is so I didn't have to look them up.