About Sandy Ganz and GTSparkPlugs
The GTSparkPlugs site is a collection of odd car project and information that may be helpful to the automotive Enthusiast. These are based on projects that I have done and projects that I have an interest in.
The Automotive Calculators and Reference Library are also a growing collection of tools to help with common automotive problems, especially ones that I have.
Who's site is this, well it's Sandy Ganz noted scholar, tinkerer, hack and otherwise someone that has the automotive bug. I learn as I go and I'm happy to help out anyone that has questions, opinions, or other comments. I have done a few car projects some better then others but every time the next one gets better.
DISCLAIMER : All information here is to used at your own risk and as always you should follow proper safety procedures when working with dangerous tools and procedures.

Upper Left :Thumbs up after slicing my thumb on a project. Note paper towel and blue tape from first aid kit.
Upper Right : Mouting a tire with Quick Start (Starting Fluid)
Lower Left: X-Games a few years back before a ride with Tanner Foust when I was doing CarCast
Lower Right: The Ripper (Mustang) at Willow Springs Raceaway with a 'Non-bleeading' Thumbs up for a change