Fire Extinguisher Mount Parts List
The Following are all McMaster-Carr Part Numbers
P/N 3015T31
Description : Std Duty Single Line Damping Vibration Clamp Weld-Mount, Zinc-Plated Steel, for 1-3/4" Tube OD
About $4.75 Each, 2 required
P/N 6487T9
Vehicle Mount Bracket for 3-11/32" Dia Cylinder Class ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher
About $6.50 Each (2 Required for Halotron, 1 for ABC Dry Chemical)
You can use either the Halotron or Dry Chemical ABC types. These are 2.5lb units and a tick larger than most. The Halotron is a bit shorter than the Dry Chemical version, but I think the Halotron is more money but worth it from a clean up perspective. Note that the dry chemical version has a higer fire extinguishing rating.
P/N 37015T31
Class Bc Halotron Extinguisher 2-B:C UL Rating, 2-1/2 lb Capacity, Wall Bracket (Buckyeye)
About $95 Each
P/N 6487T72
Class ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher 1-A:10-B:C UL Rating, 2-1/2 lb Cap, Vehicle Bracket (Buckeye)
About $37.00 Each
Misc. Stuff
And a piece of metal about 8" to 10.5"L x 3.5"W x 0.1875" Thick. I used 6061-T6 From Online Metals (see links). Nuts, Bolts and washers as mentioned. I used stainless button heads for red mount to the top plate with Nylok's on most

Build Your Own Roll Bar Fire Extinguisher Mount
This project is for a simple, inexpensive, and strong roll bar fire extinguisher mount. The initial version was for the Sunbeam Tiger (Tony) and subsequently made a second version for the Mustang (The Ripper). The parts are easy to make and is a good do it your self project that will save you some money. Fun to make as well.
This is a simple project for those that need a hard mounted extinguisher. This is a typical requirements for Racing and open track days. This should be considered a minimum for fire safety. I will eventually add a Safecraft installed Halon fire suppression system in the Tiger and have one in the Mustang. and in any car that hits the track. Spend the money, it's good piece of mind!
The bracket design idea was from something that I saw on the web for Porsche cars from Brey-Krause Performance website. Their part looked like it was really simple to make. You can imagine for the Porsche crowd it's a bit fancier that what I made but you can afford this and have fun making it.
Most parts are from McMaster-Carr. Also the fire extinguisher bracket can be made for any sized roll bar. Again nothing magical, and no need to spend huge $$$$ on it. The fire extinguisher I used is a Halotron and purchased from McMaster-Carr as well. This is a bit larger than the small ones that are often used but has no white powder residue.
You will need to order 2 of the fire extinguisher brackets to make a double strap bracket which is needed for. OR if you can find an fire extinguisher with the proper dual strap mount go for that model. Some marine and specific automotive extinguishers have dual and stronger metal strams, if you can find them they make the job even easier. You do not want a fire extinguisher coming lose in your vehicle!!
NOTE: Some events and sanctioning bodies REQUIRE metal strap mounting so always check your club or racing rule book. With the model larger model I used the included bracket is not usable, and the bracket on the head of the extinguisher must be removed. If you go with the dry chemical version of the extinguisher you will only need one bracket as the one that comes with it is the same as the spare. Part numbers for McMaster-Carr parts are below at the end of the pictures.
Halotron vs. Dry Chemical
The Halotron Fire Extinguisher is on the Left, its a different size than the Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher on the Right. Also the Halotron has a Hose on it which may or may not be something you want. They do offer the Halotron without the hose but it was not an option choice I had from McMaster Carr. Both were from Buckeye Fire Extinguisher Company.
The Dry Chemical Extinguisher also shows the modified dual strap bracket.
Double Strap Bracket
This is the modified extinguisher mounting bracket. The stock supplied bracket comes with only one stainless steel strap attached. The trick is to purchase a second bracket (they are inexpensive) and pull off the band and mount it to the bracket you are going to use. The stock bracket puts some foam or double sided tape over the pop rivets. If you don't have a pop-rivet gun, just use a short screw with a locking nut.
Underside of Mount
Bottom view of the bracket and the pipe clamps. Bracket is about 3.5"W x 10.5"L x 3/16"/0.1875" 6061-T6 aluminum, which was cut out of a 4" wide strip with my Miller Plasma Cutter. But a jig saw or even hack saw would work. Clean up with belt sander and round out corners. Bracket mounted with some fancy stainless screws and Nyloc nuts.
Note the bracket could be shorter. User your Fire Extinguisher bracket as a guide and also where you want to mount it!
Isolation Mount / Pipe Clamp
Here is a close up of the Pipe Clamp. It is made out of a dense heavy plastic and is very strong. McMaster Carr offers 2 style, Normal and Heavy Duty. This is the normal style. The Heavy Duty Pipe Clamp is wider and thicker, a bit over kill for this. These were used on the camera mount project if you want to take a look.
Also update were the use of stainless bolts for the pipe clamp.
On the LEFT is the Halotron Fire Extinguisher for the Sunbeam Tiger. I could have made the bracket much shorter. ABOVE is the Fire Extinguisher for the Mustang. I learned from the Tiger model and made the bracket shorter. The Mustang Fire Extinguisher is a dry chemical type and is a bit different size.
Removing Mount on Halotron Extinguisher
If you get the McMaster Carr Halotron Fire Extinguisher you will need to remove the HOOK style mounting bracket from the head. It's crimped on, but not too hard to remove with a vice, basically clamp it in a bench vice and use the Fire Extinguisher body to twist it off. Make sure you are twisting it in a way that would TIGHTEN the head!
Finished Mount
Here is the finished product mounted to the back of the Sunbeam Tiger's roll bar. Make sure that the handle of the extinguisher does not get too close to the seat when in the fully pushed back position.
The Mount is solid and should keep things attached in the event of a wreck.
Happy and SAFE motoring!