Bolt Circle Distance Calculator
Their are a few ways to find the bolt circle for getting the correct rim, axles, and sorted stuff. If you have a
tape measure you can get it pretty quickly and easily using either the 5 Bolt Circle measuring method or the
Even Number Bolt measuring method. With a ruler you can figure out what your bolt circle is.
So why this calculator we can already calculate the Bolt Circle from the length? What if you know the Bolt
Circle and you have, for example, a 4.5" bolt circle you want to check a rim or axle by measuring the distance
between studs. This is really just the inverse of the Bolt Circle Calculator. Not sure what else to call it other
then Bolt Circle Distance Calculator.
To Find the Bolt Distance from the given Bolt Circle use this formula:
BDist = Bolt Circle x sin(180/n)
Bolt Circle = The Diameter of the bolt pattern
BDist = The distance CENTER TO CENTER of adjacent lugs
n = Number of bolts in the pattern
Note : The sine function sin(), in this case must expect the value of (180/n) in
degrees not radians.
If you want one of the slick looking tools to make the measuring easier just check out Amazon, they have a
few and they are pretty Inexpensive Here are the links (opens in a new window as to not lose your place
here) -
Bolt Pattern Pro
Topline Bolt Caliper
Jegs Varient of the Bolt Caliper (Likely same as Topline)
Using this calculator you can type in any Bolt Circle and find the stud to stud
measure. Then use this to check rims and axles. You could even make your own
'ruler' with these distances marked and save a few bucks.